The Richest People In The World
The current presidential race in the United States is centered somewhat on the wealthy and the middle class. President Obama is focusing on protecting the interest of the middle class. He says the rich pay too little taxes and cites Warren Buffets remarks about paying too little taxes and the other rich folks that support Mr. Buffet’s position. cheap canada goose jacket Buffet is among the richest people in the world.
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Like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffet, these early pioneers worked long hours to build their empires. Today, Warren Buffet has combined with Bill Gates to help resolve world problems. There comes a responsibility with wealth which means that it must be shared with others. The world would be a different place without them.
So, the wealthy strengthen our economy by providing jobs and products and they then take that wealth and solve societal problems.
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canada goose coats on sale Good article! Nicely done. The richest people in the world have a big responsibility, so it is wise that some make good on that. To those to whom much has been given, much is expected. and when we take the opportunity to use our time, talent and treasure wisely we can go make a difference in many ways. canada goose coats on sale
Good article! Nicely done. canada goose outlet website legit The richest people in the world have a big responsibility, so it is wise that some make good on that. To those to whom much has been given, much is expected. and when we take the opportunity to use our time, talent and treasure wisely we can go make a difference in many ways.